How to donate?

Using Paypal

You can use Paypal to donate in Euros:

Or you can donate in US dollars:

Using Cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin (SegWit)


Bitcoin (Standard)


Litecoin (SegWit)


Litecoin (Standard)




Why donate?

Salix is a project that offers everything for free and is developed in our free time. No income is generated by Salix releases or support. However, there are expenses when developing a distribution like Salix. By donating, you help us with paying for web hosting, purchasing new equipment that might be needed and of course it is always a big encouragement to know that someone cares that much about what we do.

How much should I donate?

Any amount you can spare is welcome. Every little bit helps and no contribution is too small! Even the smallest contribution can make a difference. It all adds up in the end!

What will I get for donating?

First of all our gratitude!

When you are donating using Paypal, you will also be recognized as a donor to Salix. All the information that we get from you when you are donating is your name as it appears in your Paypal account. That name will be shown in the list of donations in this page. The list is updated manually, so please allow for 24h before your name appears in it. If you provide us with your forum username, you will also get the honorary rank of Donor there.

If you want, you can also donate anonymously. Just make a note when you are donating and your name will not show up in the list.

If you donate with cryptocurrencies and would like to have your name mentioned in the list of donations in this page and also receive a "Donor" status in the forum, please send an email notifying us about it, as there is no other way of matching a donation to a donor.

List of Donations

Date Donor Amount Donated
2025-03-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2025-02-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2025-02-09 Detlef Oyntzen 20€
2025-01-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2025-01-09 jury 10€
2024-12-28 jpg153 153.15€
2024-12-25 Richard Lapointe (laprjns) $100
2024-12-25 Francis Dionne $20
2024-12-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2024-11-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2024-11-11 David Pardue (gaucho) $25
2024-10-64 Luigi Airoldi 2€
2024-10-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2024-09-30 Lluis Tusquellas (Van Vinkle) 50€
2024-09-21 Sebastien Zola (sebaz) $15
2024-09-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2024-08-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2024-07-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2024-07-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2024-06-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2024-06-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2024-05-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2024-05-17 Tomoki Tsuchiya (tsuren) 100€
2024-05-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2024-04-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2024-04-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2024-03-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2024-03-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2024-02-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2024-02-20 Paulo Santos $10
2024-02-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2024-01-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2024-01-22 Francis Dionne $10
2024-01-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2024-01-01 Pascal Pype 300€
2023-12-31 Vasily Mikhaylichenko $50
2023-12-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2023-12-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2023-11-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2023-11-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2023-11-11 jpg153 153.15€
2023-10-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2023-10-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2023-09-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2023-09-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2023-08-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2023-08-17 Yves Lagier (yves04) 10€
2023-08-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2023-07-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2023-07-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2023-07-12 David Richardson (dave1953) 10€
2023-06-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2023-06-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2023-05-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2023-05-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2023-03-08 Tomoki Tsuchiya (tsuren) 100€
2023-04-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2023-04-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2023-03-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2023-03-27 Vasily Mikhaylichenko $50
2023-03-17 Jose Ismael Montero Lopez 2.87€
2023-03-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2023-02-28 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2023-02-22 Robert Holdsworth $50
2023-02-20 Robert Talbot (sqlpython) $25
2023-02-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2023-01-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2023-01-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2023-01-07 Pascal Pype 1€
2023-01-01 Olivier Amazias (Amol) $10
2022-12-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2022-12-24 Brandon Wald $10
2022-12-22 jpg153 153.15€
2022-12-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2022-11-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2022-11-14 Marcel van Erk 5€
2022-11-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2022-10-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2022-10-16 Bird 50€
2022-10-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2022-09-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2022-09-23 Christoph Koernig €33.33
2022-09-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2022-09-03 Lluis Tusquellas (Van Vinkle) 50€
2022-08-29 Olivier Amazias (Amol) 15€
2022-08-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2022-08-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2022-07-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2022-07-25 Sebastien Zola (sebaz) $15
2022-07-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2022-06-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2022-06-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2022-05-28 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2022-05-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2022-05-02 Salvador Boleko Ribas 20€
2022-04-28 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2022-04-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2022-04-13 Arnold Fodor 20€
2022-03-28 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2022-03-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2022-03-08 Tomoki Tsuchiya (tsuren) 100€
2022-02-28 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2022-02-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2022-02-05 John Vaughan (jayvee) 10€
2022-01-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2022-01-17 Richard Lapointe (laprjns) $100
2022-01-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2021-12-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2021-12-19 jpg153 153.15€
2021-12-18 ivanovnegro 10€
2021-12-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2021-11-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2021-11-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2021-10-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2021-10-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2021-09-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2021-09-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2021-08-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2021-08-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2021-07-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2021-07-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2021-06-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2021-06-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2021-05-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2021-05-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2021-04-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2021-04-18 Stein Bauge 7.77€
2021-04-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2021-03-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2021-03-13 Felix Hassanen (phlix) 10€
2021-02-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2021-01-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2021-01-17 George Remnant 0.00010383 BTC
2021-01-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2020-12-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2020-12-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2020-11-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2020-11-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2020-11-01 John Chadfield €10
2020-10-29 Tetsushi U Yada $2
2020-10-16 jpg153 153.15€
2020-10-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2020-10-13 Stein Bauge 10€
2020-09-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2020-08-22 Miura Yasuhiro $2
2020-08-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2020-07-22 Miura Yasuhiro $2
2020-07-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2020-06-22 Miura Yasuhiro $2
2020-06-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2020-06-04 Richard Lapointe (laprjns) $100
2020-06-04 Tomoki Tsuchiya (tsuren) 100€
2020-05-22 Miura Yasuhiro $2
2020-05-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2020-04-22 Miura Yasuhiro $2
2020-04-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2020-03-22 Miura Yasuhiro $2
2020-03-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2020-02-22 Miura Yasuhiro $2
2020-02-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2020-01-22 Miura Yasuhiro $2
2020-01-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2019-12-22 Miura Yasuhiro $2
2019-12-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2019-12-01 Arnold Fodor 20€
2019-11-22 Miura Yasuhiro $2
2019-11-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2019-11-14 jpg153 153.15€
2019-10-22 Miura Yasuhiro $2
2019-10-14 Taiji Quan & Qigong Institute, LLC $30
2019-10-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2019-10-05 Lluis Tusquellas (Van Vinkle) 25€
2019-09-22 Miura Yasuhiro $2
2019-09-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2019-08-24 Allen Rock $10
2019-08-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2019-07-27 Steven Stordal 20€
2019-07-20 Robin Arnaud (Artim) $25
2019-07-20 Arnold Fodor 20€
2019-07-19 Pierrick Le Brun (Akuna) 120€
2019-07-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2019-06-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2019-05-26 Kevin Giles (Kimdino) 10€
2019-05-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2019-04-26 Ayoub Echaich 10€
2019-04-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2019-04-07 Arnold Fodor 20€
2019-04-06 Diko N Miyamoto $2
2019-03-14 Anonymous 1 LTC
2019-03-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2019-03-06 Rae K Nishikawa $5
2019-03-06 Diko N Miyamoto $2
2019-02-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2019-02-06 Diko N Miyamoto $2
2019-02-06 Rae K Nishikawa $5
2019-01-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2019-01-13 Brian Barcus (bgbarcus) $20
2018-12-17 Rainer Zimmer 5€
2018-12-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2018-11-25 Tomoki Tsuchiya (tsuren) 100€
2018-11-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2018-11-11 Diko N Miyamoto $2
2018-10-24 jpg153 153.15€
2018-10-14 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2018-09-16 Timothy Beech (mimosa) 10€
2018-07-26 Taiji Quan & Qigong Institute, LLC $25
2018-04-01 Richard Lapointe (laprjns) $100
2018-03-25 Tomoki Tsuchiya (tsuren) 100€
2018-02-26 Kevin Giles (Kimdino) 20€
2018-02-21 Vasileios Zidros (kangasgr) 10€
2017-07-18 Arnold Fodor 20€
2017-06-17 Daniel Quatt $20
2017-05-31 Sven Rønne Waskönig 40€
2017-05-18 Johann Gross 20€
2017-05-11 Mohamad Affandi Bin Ghazali $2
2017-04-13 Viktor Schneider 150€
2017-03-29 Rockford Cogar $3
2017-03-05 Marcin Michalski 5€
2017-02-28 Tomoki Tsuchiya (tsuren) 100€
2017-02-02 Taiji Quan & Qigong Institute, LLC $25
2017-01-25 Kenneth Buck $30
2017-01-23 Pierrick Le Brun (Akuna) 75€
2017-01-20 Gary Oke (revoke) $50
2017-01-06 Arnold Fodor $20
2016-12-14 anonymous $10
2016-12-03 Roland Reynaud 5€
2016-10-27 Christopher Bagdanov (na5m) 200€
2016-10-22 Pierrick Le Brun (Akuna) 125€
2016-09-29 Lluis Tusquellas (Van Vinkle) 30€
2016-09-25 B Karsdorp €15
2016-09-17 David Pardue (gaucho) $35
2016-09-02 Ariel Segal $10
2016-08-29 Johann Schwarz (sjox) 40€
2016-08-15 Sebasten Zola (sebaz) $10
2016-07-28 E.M. (coroner) $30
2016-07-05 Jared Doderer (phaeton) $50
2016-07-03 Vincent Englebert 2€
2016-06-07 Pierrick Le Brun (Akuna) 150€
2016-05-21 Tran Khue $2
2016-05-10 Stein Bauge 5€
2016-05-04 Tomoki Tsuchiya (tsuren) 100€
2016-04-10 Antonio Sardei (laplume) 50€
2016-02-23 Christoph Koernig 10€
2016-02-06 Dejan Lukic 6€
2016-01-13 Gerold Bruns (GeBruns) 50€
2016-01-01 Taiji Quan & Qigong Institute, LLC $20
2015-12-13 Pierrick Le Brun (Akuna) 125€
2015-12-12 Edvins Rozenbergs 20€
2015-11-08 David Pardue (gaucho) $30
2015-11-07 Gunnar Karlsen 10€
2015-10-24 Harald Achitz 25€
2015-07-19 Pierrick Le Brun (Akuna) 75€
2015-06-01 Tomoki Tsuchiya (tsuren) 100€
2015-05-16 Pierrick Le Brun (Akuna) 50€
2015-05-14 Daniel Levine (GJones) $30
2015-05-05 papasot 20€
2015-04-21 Christopher Bagdanov (na5m) $44
2015-04-20 Christopher Bagdanov (na5m) $44
2015-04-10 Arnold Fodor 20€
2015-02-19 Pierrick Le Brun (Akuna) 50€
2015-02-17 icaroperseo $6.17
2015-01-04 E.M. (coroner) $50
2014-12-30 Arnold Fodor 20€
2014-12-25 Antonio Sardei (laplume) 25€
2014-12-25 Pierrick Le Brun (Akuna) 50€
2014-11-27 Porteus Linux $50
2014-11-24 Sebastien Zola (sebaz) $2
2014-10-29 Pierrick Le Brun (Akuna) 25€
2014-10-26 Fabio Cassiano Canton (Pai Mei) $10
2014-10-21 Edvins Rozenbergs 15€
2014-10-09 Anthony Hardy (knome) 10€
2014-09-26 Pierrick Le Brun (Akuna) 25€
2014-09-20 Antonio Sardei (laplume) 50€
2014-08-28 Pierrick Le Brun (Akuna) 25€
2014-08-23 Andrea Naletto 5€
2014-08-09 Tomoki Tsuchiya (tsuren) 100€
2014-07-31 Pierrick Le Brun (Akuna) 25€
2014-07-31 Arnold Fodor 20€
2014-07-27 Johann Schwarz (sjox) 20€
2014-07-20 Peter Coates 12€
2014-07-14 Michael Sormaz $25
2014-07-04 Antonio Sardei (laplume) $5
2014-06-23 Pierrick Le Brun (Akuna) 25€
2014-06-21 anonymous $1
2014-06-21 Antonio Sardei (laplume) 25€
2014-06-07 Lluis Tusquellas (Van Vinkle) 30€
2014-06-01 Marian Bridik 5€
2014-05-23 Pierrick Le Brun (Akuna) 25€
2014-04-29 Dejan Lukic 5€
2014-04-27 Mikko Moisio $44
2014-04-25 David Pardue (gaucho) $35
2014-04-22 代 学伟 5€
2014-04-21 Pierrick Le Brun (Akuna) 25€
2014-04-11 Lynn Cameron 5€
2014-03-20 Pierrick Le Brun (Akuna) 25€
2014-03-20 Dejan Lukic $11
2014-03-17 王 狄 $5
2014-03-12 Thibaut Leduc 8€
2014-03-11 Felix Pleșoianu $10
2014-03-08 Antonio Sardei (laplume) 25€
2014-02-16 Shane Kelly (shanek54) 10€
2014-02-16 Pierrick Le Brun (Akuna) 25€
2014-01-28 Pierrick Le Brun (Akuna) 25€
2014-01-23 Andrea Costa 2€
2014-01-13 Anthony Hardy (knome) 10€
2014-01-09 Johann Schwarz (sjox) 20€
2013-12-15 Antonio Sardei (laplume) 50€
2013-12-13 Marcin Michalski 0.75€
2013-11-29 E.M. (coroner) $100
2013-11-23 Marc Boutin 20€
2013-11-18 Anton Wolters (anttel) 10€
2013-11-10 Christopher Bagdanov (na5m) $66
2013-11-03 David Pardue (gaucho) $40
2013-10-31 Кудашев Владимир 30€
2013-10-29 Lluis Tusquellas (Van Vinkle) 30€
2013-10-28 Anthony Hardy (knome) 10€
2013-10-28 Richard Speyer (aurlaent) 10€
2013-10-27 Antonio Sardei (laplume) 50€