How To: Wifi rtl8192se_pci

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How To: Wifi rtl8192se_pci

Post by sqlpython »

One of my Thinkpad has the rlt8192se pci Wifi card installed. This particular card is in very few Distro installs
Windows 7 will find it as will All the Ubuntus from 10.10 on as well as PClinuxOS.
However the Debian and Slackware Distros which I favor will not.
To use the rlt8192se with Debian and Slackware you must download the Source and compile the Driver.

I had attempted to use ndiswrapper on the rlt9192 Windows version drivers but I could not get these to work with ndiswrapper.
This was unusual as ndiswrapper has never failed me. So I am assuming that I failed ndiswrapper in some way.
I try to cover possible failures here and workarounds.
However for those in a hurry. Presuming No Problems the
QUICK Version is
Download driver
CD to download dir
tar -xzv rtl8192se_linux_2.6.0019.1207.2010
CD to newly created rlt8192se dir
make install

On to the Linux driver install.

Download the source which will compile with all Linuxes that I have tried. ... #RTL8192SE

Currently there is One version for the Linxu 2.6.x kernels which will be

Once downloaded...BTW you will probably find it in /tmp or Your Home Dir /Downloads
You can Extract it with the GUI Ark
OR from a Command line Termal by typing

Code: Select all

tar -xzv  rtl8192se_linux_2.6.0019.1207.2010
##Once that is done if you haven't already Open a Terminal and become Super User Root

Code: Select all

## Twice I have used ndiswrapper before the compiling the Driver and it seems to have caused issues
## if you have used ndiswrapper previous on the Win rtl8192se version remove it like so

Code: Select all

ndiswrapper -l
## Is a driver installed? Unistall it

Code: Select all

ndiswrapper -e
## Check again

Code: Select all

ndiswrapper -l
## Remove.. temporarily ..ndiswrapper module

Code: Select all

modprobe -r ndiswrapper
## ndiswrapper will reinstall on boot.
## OK this is the part that really counts
##Remember you are still logged in as SU super User
## to the dir that the Extraction made it is called /rtl8192se_linux_2.6.0019.1207.2010 just like the Downloads
## I placed mine in the /home/sqlpython/Downloads dir
cd /home/sqlpython/Downloads/rtl8192se_linux_2.6.0019.1207.2010

Code: Select all

make install
## reboot
## if all went perfectly you will have firmware installed an a Wifi on login
## if you don't have a Wifi on reboot don't despair do the following

Code: Select all

ifconfig -a
## Do you see a wlan0 device in the Group
## if so

Code: Select all

ifconfig wlan0 up
## If you don't see a wlan0

Code: Select all

modprobe r8192se_pci
## repeat steps

Code: Select all

ifconfig -a
## Do you see a wlan0 device in the Group
## if so

Code: Select all

ifconfig wlan0 up
## Now add the device to the Network manager Wicd
## Open it by Left clicking the Panel Wicd Icon
## Next Click the Preferenc TAB and add to [wireless Interface] wlan0
## it should now rescan showing your local selections of Wifi connections

## Lastly if you had to Modprobe the driver you will now want to automate it fro next time..
automate the process
by adding the r8192se_pci module to /etc/rc.d/rc.modules- file (Edit as SU)
Alt-F2 ##function Key

Code: Select all

gksu gedit

Code: Select all

kdesu kwrite
##Depending on Gnome/Xfce or KDE
## which will modprobe it at boot. Modify an existing line that has # in front of it in the ##Other Network Device Section as an example
##CHANGE this is about line 553 ...

Code: Select all

# RealTek 8139C+ enhanced support:
#/sbin/modprobe 8139cp

Code: Select all

# RealTek rlt8192se enhanced support:
/sbin/modprobe r8192se_pci
##NOTE I removed the # and edited the line for a r8192se_pci module
## Save & CHeck by rebooting..

## If you follow this How To and Do not have success Post your situation here with a copy of ##your terminal output showing output of

Code: Select all

lspci | grep r81*
lsmod | grep r81*
ifconfig -a
grep 81 /etc/rc.d/rc.modules-
grep wireless /etc/wicd/manager-settings.conf
###If Anyone notes an error in this How To PM me and I will correct it.
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Re: How To: Wifi rtl8192se_pci

Post by thenktor »

The connection with the driver provided by Realtek was not really stable with my Thinkpad. I had to install kernel 2.6.38-rc2 which has native support for the chipset (the firmware of the Realtek driver is still needed).
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Re: How To: Wifi rtl8192se_pci

Post by sqlpython »

Well, there is one dissatisfied Realtek customer. :(

I had thought that the Realtek firmware files placed in /lib/firmware was the firmware bin.. ??

My brother also has this driver happily working with Slackware
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Re: How To: Wifi rtl8192se_pci

Post by knedlyk »

thenktor wrote:The connection with the driver provided by Realtek was not really stable with my Thinkpad. I had to install kernel 2.6.38-rc2 which has native support for the chipset (the firmware of the Realtek driver is still needed).
I have the same issue. It works flawlessly with wicd, but don't work witrh NetworkManager on my Thinkpad Edge. Gapan, which repo do you use for 2.6.38 and later kernels (3.1.4 stable is out)?
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Re: How To: Wifi rtl8192se_pci

Post by gapan »

There is no repo for newer kernels. You might find one in a slackware testing or current repository, which will probably work, but that's it. If you want a newer kernel, you need to compile one yourself.
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