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Post by DrCR »

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Re: Rambox

Post by gapan »

You can just download the linux tar.gz, extract it anywhere you want and run it from there, no need for a package.

But I don't really get what this is. As far as I can tell these are all web services, so why not just use them from a browser? (which this really is, albeit a very restricted one)
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Re: Rambox

Post by DrCR »

Cool, I'll do that then.

I'm not really sure what it is myself to be honest. A sysadmin/dev peer mentioned he heavily used it, so I thought I'd check it out. I had the same initial thought as you. In diving into this realm more since starting the thread, I'd be inclined to just use Firefox from both a functionality standpoint (e.g. using whatever addons desired) and from a privacy standpoint Firefox's Containers is a new-to-me intriguing route. But NoScript doesn't support Containers as of yet.

One thing that rambox would offer over any browser approach though, as I currently understand it, is consistent shortcut keys, stacked notifications, and more ready customization.
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