Differences between the window managers

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Differences between the window managers

Post by jpg153 »

Hi all,

is there somewhere a handy description telling me about the real (users feel) differences between
XFCE, MATE, Openbox, Fluxbox...versions of Salix?

Since salix 13 or so I am always using the XFCE version, but I wonder if I miss something not switching to any of the above.

Is there a comparison or can someone tell me in an few lines about similarities and differences?

Thanks in advance.
Regards Gruß
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Re: Differences between the window managers

Post by gapan »

I'm sure you can find several references online about those. Not specifically for salix, but what you will find should generally apply.

In a few words and solely in my opinion:

MATE and Xfce: should be mostly the same. They provide similar features and consume similar resources. MATE might have a few more features (nothing too important) but might be very slightly heavier (not really measurable though).
Openbox: A lot lighter than the previous two. A lot fewer features too though, but will get the job done. The openbox edition in Salix is made to feel like a "normal" desktop, with a panel including an applications menu, a taskbar etc. Probably a better fit for really older hardware than MATE/Xfce for people that want a "normal" desktop.
Fluxbox: Even lighter that openbox, but it's more *nix-y. Not your average desktop. If you like fluxbox, you'll like this.
Ratpoison: This is very special, very different and esoteric really. It's completely different than anything you've tried. After installation you might find that you have no idea how to even start a terminal without reading the manual. There probably will never be a 14.1 release.
KDE: It's a complete desktop, kitchen sink included. A lot heavier than anything else. I never really liked it myself. There probably will never be a 14.1 release either.
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Re: Differences between the window managers

Post by jpg153 »


thanks for the brief and condensed summary.

Seems I will stick with XFCE as the "look and feel" is ok. I dont care too much about resources, although my "core i3" is getting old... :D
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Re: Differences between the window managers

Post by bobo »

Memory usage in different window managers
https://l3net.wordpress.com/2013/03/17/ ... -desktops/
Desktop: Celeron - 2 GB RAM - HD 160 GB - Slackel/Salix - icewm/jwm - Grub
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