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Re: Salix Xfce 15.0RC1

Posted: 9. Aug 2022, 13:40
by Papasot
I installed RC1 just today (I admit I was lazy and just updated beta1 until now, being afraid of the downloading time). It only took a few minutes to reconfigure the system to my liking, and a few more to install my own libraries for testing. Preparing a few packages for possible inclusion now, assuming we still have time for that.

Artim wrote: 9. Aug 2022, 08:37My computer doesn't have a battery, so I have no need of power manager. Nor Bluetooth. Nor most of the unnecessary but easily added widgets and panel indicators and stuff. I prefer not to have all that extra stuff included by default and have to remove it, than to simply build it to my needs and liking.
I'm glad that SalixOS is not trying to become the one-size-fits-all Ubuntu version of Slackware.
I am unable to emphasize the above as much as I should. Let me just say I couldn't agree more.

missTell wrote: 9. Aug 2022, 11:55It is about "professional" vs. "geek" way of thinking.
You as a geek enjoy the tinkering -- normal people use the computers to get the job done.
If you could only think reasonably and not as a geek ...
You use the term "geek" as something bad. If this was aimed to me, I would take it as a compliment. Professionals should be geeks to get the job done - way better than typing sheets of text concerning a goddamn pixel, I might add.

missTell wrote: 9. Aug 2022, 11:55The difference between a professional OS (Windows, macOS, Ubuntu, Fedora Gnome) and some 'junkstributions' (all except the previous four) is, the first ones you install and start working, the second ones you need to set up first.
If THOSE are "professional" operating systems, I am SO VERY GLAD I am not using such a professional operating system but a "junkstribution" instead.

Re: Salix Xfce 15.0RC1

Posted: 9. Aug 2022, 14:04
by missTell
gapan wrote: 9. Aug 2022, 12:38 I'm not really sure what you're doing here and not trying to enlighten Ubuntu with your wisdom....
Trying to help you to proudly find the place among the other four? Sad you didn't notice that yet.

I won't get anything. Neither I'll become rich, nor famous because of it.

Papasot wrote: 9. Aug 2022, 13:40 You use the term "geek" as something bad. If this was aimed to me ...
Actually, it was nothing aimed at you, but a simple fact.

The term 'geek' does not describe anything 'bad', but a '1 %' of users.

"An enthusiast or expert especially in a technological field or activity"

"An outwardly normal person who has taken the time to learn technical skills."

The user shouldn't be forced to add something to make it work -- it should just work.
The geeks should remove what they don't need, or start with a minimal install. ;)


Since my Salix is in VM, maybe it's only my issue, but just for the case ...

Could you check the VLC and SMplayer on your physical machines?

- Parole plays MP4 video

- MPV plays MP4 video

- SMplayer plays nothing at all -- it just throws error message

- VLC plays MP4 video, but every 3 sec. cuts the sound off. This might be Flatpak or VM issue

Geany is missing color schemes in the repository.

Would it be possible to add Zorin Light (Start) Menu, or is that impossible for some reason? vs

Re: Salix Xfce 15.0RC1

Posted: 9. Aug 2022, 14:23
by Amol
Hello Salix team and users !
I've just post on sourceforge in the bugtracker.
I'm new to Slackware galaxy but in the linux world since december 2020.Salix is what Slackware should be, about easy installation.There is very good choices in Salix, for example the whisker menu.
Best regards, keep up the good work !

Re: Salix Xfce 15.0RC1

Posted: 9. Aug 2022, 18:10
by gaucho
gapan wrote: 9. Aug 2022, 07:24 I actually fixed this last night. Upgrade the rootuser-settings package and it should work.
Thanks for fixing this, gapan! :) After updating today, nano works fine in the root environment.

The only thing that needs to be done beforehand, is to remove the string " ^rootuser-settings.* " from Gslapt > Preferences. Then Gslapt will allow the package to be upgraded.

(After the update, I immediately added that string back under the "Excludes:" category).

I'll keep on testing ...

Re: Salix Xfce 15.0RC1

Posted: 9. Aug 2022, 20:43
by Artim
Oh, @Miss Tell,

If you only knew. I'm no "geek" by any means. In fact I am a true technophobe from a whole race of technophobes that settled my home planet to get away from runaway technology that threatened to destroy our civilization. You can read my story here.

I only got interested in tech when we were rescued by Commander Data, who taught me not to be scared of every little tech thing. We became friends!

One of the things Data taught me is that a computer is designed to serve a purpose, and that a whole bunch of unneeded extra stuff only consumes resources and complicates matters unnecessarily, which is why so many of my people are scared of it!

SalixOS keeps it simple, so even a kid like me, still scared of anything that goes "beep," can make it my own and use it for school and stuff without adding all the so-called "features" that non-technophobes might take for granted.

Perhaps you could do more good in the Ubuntu forums, or Mint or ElementaryOS than here trying to reproduce their bloated stuff here.

Re: Salix Xfce 15.0RC1

Posted: 10. Aug 2022, 07:18
by missTell
I don't really care who you are or anybody else here is ...
I only care that you people learn reasonable thinking.

Your sound Volume button as example ...
Artim wrote: 9. Aug 2022, 20:43 One of the things Data taught me is that a computer is designed to serve a purpose [...]
Now, what exactly is a purpose of a computer for MOST people?

MOST people need only the basics: web browser, office, image viewer and audio and video player.
Artim wrote: 9. Aug 2022, 20:43 [...] and that a whole bunch of unneeded extra stuff only consumes resources and complicates matters unnecessarily [...]
And so, we get 'Install multimedia codecs', Asunder CD Ripper, Exaile, Parole Media Player, PulseAudio Volume Control and Xfburn, BUT NO sound Volume button on the panel?

Can't you notice the brain-dead nonsense here?

If we apply that (stupid and false) reasoning from before, "Not all users might want this (or even have an audio card installed), so it's [volume button] not included by default", than why even include any of that multimedia stuff?

Not everybody (< 1 %) has a sound card --> no volume button --> no audio / video player --> no multimedia codecs --> no bloat and "unneeded extra stuff [that] only consumes resources" is a logical chain.

However, since one does include Parole and '1-click easy-install multimedia codecs' as a convenience for the (> 99 %) users, the volume button MUST be there.

Even more so, if one does include really unneeded stuff like 'renew icon cache' ...
Artim wrote: 9. Aug 2022, 20:43 [...] and complicates matters unnecessarily, which is why so many of my people are scared of it! SalixOS keeps it simple [...]
Exactly the opposite is truth (AND THE HARD FACT).

People are scared of 'it won't work OOB' as in our example, where SalixOS makes one of the most essential things unnecessarily complicated.

It is exactly 2 clicks to remove the Volume button from the panel, right-click on the icon and left-click on 'remove', but adding that icon takes at least 9+ clicks -- if one even knows how to do it at all.

If I look at all those 80+-years-old people which I'm supporting, it's easy to say what is bloat ...

They are the perfect example for technophobes, as they do not know how the computer works, nor they know how to use it.

How many of them were changing the Hostnames, renewing icon caches ... NONE -- EVER.

How many of them ever used Meld, GIMP, Transmission or Pidgin? NONE.

How many of them need Asunder, Exaile and Xfburn? NONE.

How many of them used web browser, image viewer, audio and video player (AND Volume button)? ALL -- EACH AND EVERY.

So, here you get your nonsense and your bloat ...

Artim wrote: 9. Aug 2022, 20:43 Perhaps you could do more good in the Ubuntu forums, or Mint or ElementaryOS than here trying to reproduce their bloated stuff here.
No, definitely not.

They don't need modernizing, as they all look good OOTB, AND -- they know the difference between the 'essential' and 'bloat'.

No GIMP or Meld preinstalled there, and the sound volume button which is essential for EVERYBODY (> 99 %) is there.

Re: Salix Xfce 15.0RC1

Posted: 10. Aug 2022, 09:55
by Papasot
For Devil's sake, this is a thread about RC1. I am tired reading sheets of text telling me how Window$, MacOS, Fedora, and whatever else are "professional" operating systems, how Crapbuntu is so good and "modernized" while Salix is in the "junk" category, and how Gimp and Meld make the default installation "bloated". And that's not all; the list goes on with much more nonsense, always coming from the exact same ballerina, again and again for an eternity. He has nohing to say, but he says it continuously.

This is clearly spam - even more so in a thread that' has a different purpose, and a very important one. I believe it is about time for moderator interference.

Re: Salix Xfce 15.0RC1

Posted: 10. Aug 2022, 10:55
by mimosa
Great news! I'm sorry I missed this a few days back ...

I'll try and install it in a day or two to give it a spin!

Re: Salix Xfce 15.0RC1

Posted: 10. Aug 2022, 12:13
by hugok
Hi @mimosa! Welcome back :D

I think we should all take it easy. But I even think these discussions are interesting :D Above all we have to have respect for everyone, that's all. keep that in mind!
My purpose here (since 2011) is that Salix 15.0 be a ready-to-use "OOB" operating system with the Portuguese translation (in my case) completely translated. Yes, I don't just translate Salix and its tools, I translate all Xfce! (desktop environment, components, website etc...) In fact, I translate practically all the desktop environments available for Linux as well as all the software around! All this in my spare time and without any remuneration. All this for the benefit of Portuguese users. Even if they do not use programs like the Gimp, Meld, Geany and so on, the translation of that software is completely translated to Portuguese at In short, my goal here at Salix is to make contributions so that the Portuguese users have a pleasant usage of the operating system. Not only is it 100% translated, but it is also easy to use in their daily life. (this mean, having a simple volume sound icon) :D Having the base of Slackware, Salix will be stable so we just need to leave it as it says in :D


Re: Salix Xfce 15.0RC1

Posted: 10. Aug 2022, 13:38
by hugok
As far as "locales"...

The libreoffice "" package does not match the libreoffice-l10n "7.2-x86_64-1gv" version in the repo...

Could the libreoffice-dict package be added to the repo as well? And by the way vlc also... although we have smplayer.